The blood vessels around the anus & in the rectum will stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge. Inflamed veins (hemorrhoids) can develop when pressure increases in the lower rectum. This may be due to:
. Chronic constipation
. Sitting on the toilet for too long
. Straining when passing a stool
. are born with a weakness in your rectum or have a family history of piles heredity
. eat a low-fiber diet
. Obesity/overweight
. Lifting heavy weights regularly
. Pregnancy
. Chronic diarrhea
. Prostate problems in older men
. Anal intercourse
. Mental tension
. Sitting on the toilet for too long
. Straining when passing a stool
. are born with a weakness in your rectum or have a family history of piles heredity
. eat a low-fiber diet
. Obesity/overweight
. Lifting heavy weights regularly
. Pregnancy
. Chronic diarrhea
. Prostate problems in older men
. Anal intercourse
. Mental tension