Proctoscopy is a common medical procedure in which an instrument called a proctoscopy is used to examine the anal cavity, rectum or sigmoid colon. A scope will be passed into your back passage to look at the lining of your bowel. Though it seems to be cumbersome & difficult in video but it is a very simple & useful procedure that require only 30sec. to 1min. & give very useful information’s of anal region which are important for surgery.


           A Sigmoidoscopy is a test performed to look at the lining of the lower end of the colon (large bowel). The bowel is a large tube with bends in it. A scope tube, will be passed into your back passage to look at the lining of your bowel. Some air will be put into your bowel during the examination, to make it easier to see the lining. Biopsies (samples) may be taken from your bowel lining during your test to help the doctor gain more information about any abnormality seen. The biopsy is not painful but will help the doctor plan the best treatment for you. Polyps (small growths that can develop on the lining of your bowel) can be removed and haemorrhoids (piles) can be treated at the same time.