Do & Don't
1. Eat plenty of fibre-rich foods such as fruit, vegetables and whole grain cereals (for example, brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta).
2. Drink plenty of fluids (about six to eight glasses a day of non-caffeinated drinks).
3. Exercise regularly. Walking is one of the best things. 4. Train yourself for regular food intake of lunch and dinner.
5. Loose weight if you are overweight.
6. Chew your food properly.
7. Take buttermilk, leafy vegetables, Isabgol, Mung dal, Fresh foods.
8. Always seek your doctor’s advice
2. Drink plenty of fluids (about six to eight glasses a day of non-caffeinated drinks).
3. Exercise regularly. Walking is one of the best things. 4. Train yourself for regular food intake of lunch and dinner.
5. Loose weight if you are overweight.
6. Chew your food properly.
7. Take buttermilk, leafy vegetables, Isabgol, Mung dal, Fresh foods.
8. Always seek your doctor’s advice
1. Don’t ignore an urge for bowel movements.
2. Avoid sitting for long periods as this can exert pressure in the anal area and aggravate the problems of piles/flssures. Even if your job requires continuous sitting, take a short break in between and walk around for sometime, this will ease the pressure in the anal area.
3. Don’t sit in the toilets for periods. The position causes extra pressure on the anal area.
2. Avoid sitting for long periods as this can exert pressure in the anal area and aggravate the problems of piles/flssures. Even if your job requires continuous sitting, take a short break in between and walk around for sometime, this will ease the pressure in the anal area.
3. Don’t sit in the toilets for periods. The position causes extra pressure on the anal area.
पाइल्स में क्या करें
सबसे पहली सावधानी हैं कि कब्ज़ में जोर लगाने से बचें।
खाने में रेशेदार फल, सब्जी ज्यादा लेवें।
पानी ज्यादा पियें (8 से 10 गिलास प्रतिदिन)।
फिर भी कब्ज़ रहें तो डॉक्टर की सलाह से दवाइयां लेवें।
कॉफ़ी, चाय एवं मसालेदार भोजन का सेवन काम करें।
नियमित कसरत करें।
पाइल्स में क्या नहीं करें
मल त्याग की इछा को कभी भी नजरंदाज करके देर न करें।
लैट्रिन में जोर नहीं लगावें।
जायदा देर तक लैट्रिन में नहीं बैठें।
लगातार कब्ज निरोधक दवाई (लैक्सटिव) का सेवन नहीं करें।
भारी वजन न उठावें।
लगातार बैठे नहीं रहें अगर बैठना भी हो तो बीच - बीच में उठते रहें।
लैट्रिन की जगह को मुलायम, नरम कपड़े से साफ करें।